Purpose: Facilitate a value weighting exercise with the parties identified in Tool 5a.
Refer to: Tool 4a, Tool 4b, Tool 4c
Used in: Tool 6a
Guiding Question: What is the relative importance of the changes?
Step 1: Fill out the end benefits/outcomes of your CBWM that you identified in Tool 4b.
Step 2: Use Tool 4a to outline the baseline measures of each end benefit before the CBWM was put into place.
Step 3: Describe the change that has occurred after the program (Tool 4a) and how much this change can be attributed to the program (Tool 4b).
Step 4: Describe the short-term change (first five years) after the CBWM has been implemented. What positive, measurable changes can/have been observed?
Step 5: Describe the long-term change (after year 5). What do you hope/know will be the long-term impact of the CBWM?
Step 6: Identify the change you deem the most important, ranking it #1. Rank the rest of the rows accordingly from the second most important #2, and so on.
Step 7: For the highest ranked benefit, assign a weight of 100. Fill out the weight scores for the remaining benefits (rows), relative to #1 to rank their comparative importance. Note that only the #1 rank can have a weight of 100.
Table 12a: Value Weigth Generation Example
1. End Benefits | 2. Baseline (without the CBWM program)(Description/Measures) | 3. Change Attributed to Program (Description/Measures) | 4. Short Term Change Attributed to CBWM Program (Description/Measures) | 5. Long Term Change Attributed to CBWM Program (Description/Measures) | 6. Rank#1 is most important | 7. Weight100=most important1=least important |
Peace of Mind | Most residents concerned, unknown H20 quality(see survey) | 60% | All residents feel safe and confident with recreational H20 standards consistently met(see survey) | Behavioural changes that reflect resident’s relationship with water quality to reduce pollution. | 1 | 100 |
Improved natural recreational experience | 20% below similar parks with unknown water quality | 40% | Steady source of income for parks that can be relied upon | Overtime park income fluctuates due to socioeconomic factors. | 3 | 20 |
Ecological Health | Low = diminished aquatic biodiversity with increasing invasive species | 50% | High = balanced aquatic biodiversity, with thriving populations of native species | Ecosystem becomes more stable and resilient. | 2 | 80 |